Wednesday, February 19, 2014

You Are Not Alone Ways to deal with being sexually abused 1. Remember that you are not alone. You aren’t the only one that has had this happen to them and there are people, support groups, and foundations that are there to support you. I have listed a few of these organizations below. 2. Be Brave Tell someone what has happened to you whether it is a friend, the police, or the doctor at the hospital when you go to get examined. Someone needs to tell the authorities so that they can help stop this from happening again. Protect yourself and others by being brave and stepping forward. 3. Remember that it’s not your fault Women often blame themselves when these things happen. They feel they could have been more careful or could have done things differently to avoid it. You have to know that it is not your fault that this happened to you. 4. Find tools to help you cope Take Self Defense classes, go to a support group, do something to make yourself feel comfortable in the world again. Spend time talking to people about what happened. Don’t hide from it and don’t hold it all in. The more you talk about it the easier it will be to let it go and have your life back.

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